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Visit of the PM- WRA

The PM-WRA, Geary Cox visited Lebanon accompanied by Melissa Windecker to witness the humanitarian mine action programme's implementation stages, from 7 to 14 December 2014.

During the first day of its visit, the delegation met with the LMAC Director and was briefly acquainted with the humanitarian mine action activities of the Center, the latest achievements as well as the future plans. After the meeting, the delegation visited the Mine Detection Dogs (MDD)' lodge at Said Al Khatib's Casern along with the LMAC Director where it was briefed on the MDD's role and performance as well as on the Center's needs and witnessed a mine detection demonstration performed by MDD teams.

On the second and third days, the delegation visited the Handicap International (HI) organization in Batroun and checked on the activity of the HI demining teams. The delegation visited as well the RMAC in Nabatiyeh, and was given an overview of the Center's activity and paid a visit to the DCA BAC teams operating in the South of Lebanon.

In the following two days, they visited the MAG BAC and the MAG demining teams as well as the NPA demining teams operating in the South of the country and held a meeting at the headquarters of the LMAC for a general assessment of all the visits.

On its last day in Lebanon, the delegation visited along with the MRE head section at the LMAC, the University of Balamand in Beirut and reviewed with the Coordinator of the Landmines Resource Center, the Regional Director of the Spirit of Soccer and MRE activists the process of delivering MRE clinics to children through soccer games. After the meeting, the delegation attended a mine risk education session that was delivered to children at the Hoops sports club.

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