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Mine awareness Day to the members of the Scouts of the local and Arab associations

In the context of increasing awareness of mine risk among civil society and within the framework of the Mine Action Strategic Plan of the Lebanon Mine Action Center (LMAC), the Center participated in the implementation of mine risk awareness activities for approximately 750 members (465 male and 285 female) from local and Arab scout organizations in the Scout camp National under the title “Beirut gathering ", where the awareness activities came as follows:

An opening speech by Colonel Marie Abdel Massih from the Lebanon Mine Action Center, explaining the purpose of mine risk education activities.
A minefield prepared by the Lebanon Mine Action Center, showing samples of mines, cluster bombs, unexploded ordnance, warning signs and explanations for the Scouts.
A fake minefield prepared by a group from the Engineering Regiment, which conducted a brief on how to remove mines by manual assets and explained the clearance process
Race Rally organized by the Mine Risk Promotion Unit - Balamand University Under the auspices of the Center for Scouts participating in the race, the race included various stations to answer questions about MRE, where scouts competed with 17 groups and distributed medals to the first three groups.
Distribution of the peace game, mine, puzzle game and a mine risk education flyers by the Lebanon Mine Action Center.
Media Coverage by the Lebanon Mine Action Center