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2017 National MRE Campaign

National MRE Campaign April 2017

LMAC launched a national Mine Risk Education (MRE) campaign during the whole month of April 2017 in cooperation with the National Steering Committee on MRE and with the support of UNIFIL, the EU, UNICEF and UNMAS. April 2017’s campaign was particularly marked by a range of sporting events and using fun interactive tools promoting safety measures targeting the community and the LMAC’s partners.

Blat Intermediate School Mine Awareness Day

The Lebanon Mine action center (LMAC) in collaboration with the mine risk steering committee, MAG, UNMAS and UNIFIL organized a workshop at Blat Intermediate School in the southern Lebanon on 30/3/2017. The purpose of the workshop is to raise awareness among children through well designed set of activities that serves the purpose of education and entertainment. The workshops started with the National Lebanese Anthem followed by briefings provided by the Lebanon mine action center. Then, a virtual mine field was displayed by the engineering regiment at the Lebanese Armed forces in collaborations with UNIFIL who provided a thorough explanation of the demining process. In addition to that, UNIFIL enriched the children`s knowledge of the demining process using detection dogs and robots to discover the existence of mines. Furthermore, the Lebanon Mine Action Center conducted questions and answers contest to further involve children in mines detection and prevention. At the end of the workshop, prizes, cups and medals were distributed to the participants.

More than 12 posters illustrating the steps to be taken when faced with an unidentified object and 181 “Snakes and Mines” games to entertain children while educating them about mines prevention were distributed by the Lebanon Mine Action Center (LMAC).

The event has been covered by number of Lebanese and non -Lebanese TV stations such as LBC, Arabia and Sky news. This wide media coverage increased the opportunities for this event to reach the whole community and alert them about the threats of mines.

Solidarity Meeting at Ministry of Defense

A solidarity meeting against the use of cluster bombs was held at the Ministry of defense premises on 31/3/2017 to commemorate the mine awareness day. The meeting was held under the excellency of the Minister of Defense Mr. Yacoub Al-Sarraf, and the Minister of Information Mr. Melhem Al-Riyashi, the Representative of the General Commander of the Army, the General Ali Kanso, The LMAC`s director Brig general Ziad Nasr and the head of MRE department Colonel Marie Abdel Massih and other officers, MRE and MVA steering committee members all together with Representatives of the European Union and the United Nations UNDP, UNICEF, UNMAS, Jamal Trust Bank,BLOM Bank, MAG, NPA, DSA and other local and international NGOs. The meeting started with speeches delivered by each of the Minister of National Defense, Mr. Yacoub Al-Sarraf and Minister of Information, Mr. Melhem Al-Riyashi, the Commander-in-Chief of the Army, delivered by his representative, LMAC`s head of MRE department Colonel Marie Abdel Massih, all emphasizing the importance of promoting behavioral change among communities regarding mine prevention during April mine risk awareness campaign. Moreover, a short briefing on the Lebanon Mine Action Center “LMAC” activities during previous years was presented, in addition to displaying photos and samples of mines and cluster bombs accompanied with a short film to increase the impact of the message.

The event was covered by the LAF orientation directorate in addition to Lebanese and non- Lebanese TV stations such as LBC, AL Jadeed, TL, MTV, OTV, AL Manar, Arabia, Al Jazeera and Sky news.

Fun run marathon

Since South of Lebanon encompasses most of the landmines and ERW found in the country, the LMAC in coordination with the MRE steering committee took a decision to make a marathon in the city of Jizzine on the 2nd of April 2017. Jizzine being known for its high population number and located in the mid of the south and so it resembles a main point of widespread attentiveness to the threats citizens have for long suffered from and have affected their lives in a damaging and dreadful sense.

LMAC's partners and the area residents walked for a cause that still affects their daily life. Tee-shirts entitled “Running against mines”, hats, fortune cookies (containing awareness messages), and 336 “Snakes and Mines” games were handed out to the participants promoting safety measures. Ten banners were hanged across the track. In addition to the materials distributed, several teams were conducting awareness sessions that reach out to all age groups using props, games and interactive materials. At the end of the event, a commemorative shield was offered to Jezzine Municipality as symbol of appreciation.The event gained coverage from the national broadcast channels in addition to the LAF orientation directorate.

Mine Awareness day in Hasbaya, Ibl Al Saqi Intermediate School

The Lebanon Mine Action Center in coordination with Mine risk education MRE steering committee, UNMAS, MAG and Hasbaya Municipality conducted a mine awareness day on the 3rd of April 2017 to educate people and students there on the threats of mines and guide them to the best practices to be followed when approaching suspicious bodies. The workshop included mines safety briefing provided by the Lebanon Mine Action Center, virtual mine fields demonstrating ways for mines detection and presenting different samples of mines and cluster bombs, in addition to a puppet show displayed by the Mine Advisory Group (MAG).

425 “Snakes and Mines” games have been distributed to the participants by the Lebanon mine action center “LMAC” in addition to displaying informative posters and hang up banners to enhance the strength of the message. The event was covered by several Lebanese stations and the LAF orientation directorate.

Mine Awareness day in Bint Jbeil

The Lebanon Mine Action Center in coordination with MRE steering committee and the municipality of Bint Jbeil organized a mine awareness day on the threats of mines at the bint Jbeil cultural center on 4th of April 2017 to commemorate the international mine awareness day. The event included briefings about mine prevention, display of virtual mine fields, mines and cluster bombs templates, a short film about the campaign, photo exhibition of threats of mines and children`s paint work symbolizing their own perceptions of the dangers of mines.

537 games “Mines and Snakes” and coloring books have been distributed by the Jarha associations to the participants in addition to displaying informative posters and hang up banners highlighting various mine awareness signs. Furthermore, the event included unveiling of a memorial prepared by the Municipality of Bint Jbeil as a symbol of appreciation and respect to the victims of landmines and cluster bombs near the public park of the city of Bint Jbeil. Al Manar TV, Jarha association, Al Nour Station in addition to LAF orientation directorate covered the event.

Puppet show to commemorate the mine awareness day

On 5th of April2017, a puppet show was opened on Dawar El Chams Theatre, Tayouny Beirut under the direct supervision of the Lebanon Mine Action Center (LMAC) and in coordination with MRE steering Committee and Balamand university to educate children about the dangers of mines and introduce them to the critical issues associated with this life-threatening hazards. Students from different age groups arriving from various private and public schools in Lebanon attended the show and displayed a genuine interaction with the message being delivered. The show began with Lebanese National Anthem followed by short Mine /ERW safety briefing provided by the head of MRE department at LMAC Colonel Marie Abdel Massih who emphasized the importance of remembering the golden awareness rule “Don’t come close, Don’t touch, Report”. The show was delivered in a funny and humorous manner allowing children to enjoy their times and at the same time benefit from precious knowledge about mine prevention.

The show was followed by a lunch designed specifically for this event where commemorative shields were distributed by LMAC to National Committee for Mine Risk Education.

The event was covered by Future TV.

Rally Paper Race to commemorate the mine awareness day

On 6th of April 2017, the Lebanon Mine action center in coordination with the MRE steering committee and the Balamand University organized a Rally Paper race joining students from 22 different private and public schools in the area. More than 400 students whose ages range between 6 and 14 years old gathered at the extreme sports stadium, Hawch al Omraa, Zahle along with their teachers and school administrators and expressed a genuine interest and enthusiasm to participate in the game and learn more about mine prevention.

The game started by the Lebanese National Anthem followed by a short Mine prevention briefing provided by the head of MRE department at LMAC Colonel Marie Abdel Massih, then the coordinator of the event at the Balamand University explained the rules of the game that involved questions about mines shapes, sizes, threats and means of prevention. The students need to answer the questions correctly in order get the letters of a significant mine awareness sentence “Lebanese Students Against Mines”. A vast number of students succeed in answering the questions correctly and thus ensured that they are alerted to risks of mines and others who didn’t pass the test took the opportunity to enrich their knowledge and educate themselves about the major threats of mines. At the end of the event, medals of different shapes and types have been distributed by the Lebanon Mine Action Center to the winners who exerted a great effort to win the game.

More than 10 informative banners have been displayed during the event in addition to distribution of 648 puzzle games to the participants and designing a virtual mine field to enhance the strength of the message.


Two Friendly Football Match played by Mines survivors; one with students from the Lebanese University and another with a team from the Lebanese Press Sports Union

Friendly Football Match between Mines survivors and students from the Lebanese University on the 7th of April 2017

Another sporting event is a friendly football game that took place on the 7th of April 2017 at Al Ansar, Imam Al Sader Playground, Southern Lebanon. Such an activity brought together mine survivors with the MVA Steering Committee members and allowed them to share their experiences and methods to overcome and surpass their injuries and redeem themselves as productive entities in their societies. The mine victims` survivors’ teams played against a team from the Lebanese University and the friendly match started by kicking the football by the LMAC`s head of MRE department Colonel Marie Adel Massih and the President of the Lebanese university Dr, fouad Ayoub.

The students of the Lebanese University won the match and they received a cup from the professor Fouad Ayoub. The winning party provided the cup to the mine survivors` team as symbol of respect and love.

Informative posters and hang up banners have been displayed during the event to promote awareness and stress the importance of following safety measures regarding mine prevention.

Friendly Football Match between Mines survivors and a team from the Lebanese Press Sports Union on the 4th of April 2017

Under the patronage of Mrs, Randa Berri, the wife of the Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, another Friendly football match took place on the 4th of April 2017 at the Bir hassan technical institution playground between mine survivors and a team from the Lebanese Press Sports Union to venerate the international mine awareness day. This event was held under the direct supervision of the Lebanon Mine Action Center head of MRE department Colonel Marie Abdel El Massih, the head of the Lebanese association for the welfare of disabled persons Mrs Randa Berri, the general director of the Lebanese Parliament, Mr, Ahmad Baalbaky, Mr, Hani Koubaissy, a member of the Lebanese Parliament, the general director of the ministry of sports and youth, Mr, Ziad Khiamy, the head of the Lebanese Press Sports Union Mr, Wadieh Abdel Nour, the President of the Lebanese University Dr, Fouad Ayoub, the general director of the vocational and technical education Mr Ahmad Diab ,members of the MRE and MVA steering committee in addition to number of students and representatives of social and cultural associations.

The football match was commenced with the Lebanese national anthem followed by set of speeches delivered by Mrs, Randa Bery and Dr, Khaled Toufaily, a member of MRE steering committee and both teams started the match after kicking the football by each of the LMAC head of MRE department and Mrs, Randa Berri. The match ended in a draw and Mrs, Randa Bery, distributed cups for the team leaders and medals for the players of both teams.

Both events were covered by the Lebanese stations NBN, OTV, MTV, TL, Al Jadeed, Al Manar, LBC and LAF orientation directorate.

Biycle ride event

Mine risk education had its plans in 2017 directed towards more widespread media coverage and thus a wider national coverage of its events. A Bicycle ride event (Sour by Bike) took place on the 8th of April in Tyre.

This awareness event gathered the national MRE Steering Committee, demining organizations, Sour by Bike, UNIFIL and other UN agencies, victims, army personnel and LMAC staff. More than 450 bicycles started a trip from the Public garden of Tyre city passing through Imam al Sader Institution, then the costal Cornish returning to the starting point. 483 awareness puzzles games were given out to all the citizens in the streets as well as to the participants explaining to them the danger that mines still hold.

The show also included an attempt to rescue an injured person in certain minefield in coordination with volunteers from the Islamic Resalascout association.

The event included designing virtual minefields displaying different samples of mines and demonstrating important steps in the demining process. Participants were wearing reflective vests containing the golden awareness rule “Don’t come close, Don’t touch, Report”, this sends direct message to the people watching this event live and on televisions about how to deal when faced with an anonymous object. The event was covered by national broadcast channels such as LBC, AL Jadeed, Future TV. Representatives from various demining organizations and LAF also had significant presence in the event. 10 banners were posted all over the designated track highlighting this ongoing threat and the required safety measures citizens should take.

Round year Activities

The LMAC in coordination with MRE steering committee, UNMAS and UNIFIL organized a mine awareness day in Rmyche, southern Lebanon on the 11th of May 2017. As usual, the LMAC head of MRE department Colonel Marie Abdel Massih provided a short briefing to promote mine safe behavior among public and conducted Questions and Answers contest to further involve students in the mine prevention process. The workshop intended to educate the students and citizens of Rmyche on the threats of mines and ERW where two virtual mine fields have been displayed, one designed by the LMAC and another one designed by UNIFIL. The minefields aimed to provide a thorough explanation of the demining process using detection dogs, manual demining and robots. Prizes, cups and medals were distributed to the participants by the UNMAS.

On 18/5/2017 and as a part of Health and safety awareness day, the LMAC in collaboration with Al sahel Hospital organized a mine awareness day to promote mine safety behavior among the public. More than 1200 participants attended the event and benefited from precautious health and safety measures combined with important mine awareness messages delivered by the LMAC who distributed 450 brochures and 750 puzzle games to increase the impact of the message.

On 7/7/2017, LMAC in collaboration with the MRE steering committee organized a mine awareness day funded by UNMAS in Swanyee, Southern Lebanon. This workshop aimed to create a scout awareness on the threats of mines and ERW among scout students from southern Lebanon. The workshop commenced with the national Lebanese anthem that was followed by a short mine/ERW briefing provided by the LMAC head of MRE section Colonel Marie Abdel Massih and the Major Wassim Lewis. This presentation served on educating student on the precaution measures that should be taken when approached with suspicious objects as well as best means to deal with this situation. Then a virtual minefield was designed by the LAF engineering regiment displaying different types of mines and cluster bombs and re-emphasizing the golden awareness rule. Another two virtual minefields have been displayed by UNIFIL showing demining process using robots and mine detection dogs. At the end of this event, a puppet show was displayed by students allowing children to interact in a funny and humorous way with the message being delivered Prizes, cups and medals were distributed to the participants by the UNMAS.

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