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2016 National MRE Campaign

2016 National MRE Campaign

As has become the custom annually, the LMAC, in coordination with the MRE Steering Committee, organized a series of events to commemorate the International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance commonly referred to as the 4th of April. Focusing on sports as a key theme this year.

These several activities were funded by EU, UNICEF, UNMAS, NPA and supported by UNDP in order to ensure better protection of children and families from the dangers of Explosive Remnants of War including Cluster Munitions, and executed in collaboration with the national MRE steering committee members ( Land Mine Resource Center, University of Balamand; World Rehabilitation Fund ; Lebanese Association for health and social care; Ministry of social affairs; Al Jarha Association; Lebanese Welfare Association for the Handicapped; Empowerment Association Independent Living; Vision Association for development, rehabilitation and social care; Islamic Risala Scout; Islamic Health Council; National Rehabilitation and Development Center) and a series of international partners (NPA, MAG, HI and DCA).

Key activities included the following:

Bicycle Ride Event

A bicycle ride event (Beirut by Bike) was organized on the 3rd of April 2016 in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon with more than 300 bicycles departing from Beirut Waterfront through Hamra Main Street, Manara Sea-Side Road, and back to the starting point. More than 300 Riders aged 18 years and above wore vests displaying the golden message “Don’t come close. Don’t touch. Report!”. Banners were displayed alongside the designated track emphasizing the threat of mines/ERW, including cluster munitions, and the need to take safety measures by citizens. Concurrently, 1500 awareness brochures were distributed on the streets. The event witnessed high media coverage by national broadcast channels and local newspapers.

Balloon Release Campaign

An event with 2000 balloons carrying the slogan of the campaign (Together against Mines) was held in Tyre and Saida Area on the 4th of April 2016 to commemorate the Mine awareness day. This event included a solidarity gathering of more than 225 Lebanese people in the South to stand against mines and deliver an informative message to inhibit the improper behavior regarding mine prevention.

Launching of a project to clear Mines

On the 5th of April 2016, a launching of a project to clear minefields funded by BLOM Bank under the direct supervision of LMAC , was held in Hadth El Jebth Bacherry Area. The workshop aimed to inform people there on the threats of mines and cluster booms and introduce different methods of the demining process.

Fun Run Marathon

A Fun Run Marathon was organized in Batroun, North of Lebanon on the 6th of April 2016, with the participation of 100 personnel from local organizations and 740 school students. More than 700 t-shirts, hats, and 2000 brochures carrying targeted awareness and safety messages were distributed to participants. Moreover, an exhibition was organized at the marathon’s finish line displaying different samples of mines and cluster bombs. Concurrently, LMAC provided a commemorative shield to Mayor of Batron as symbol of appreciation in addition to distributing medals to winners.

Awareness day in Zawtar city, Nabatyee Southern Lebanon

On the 8th of April 2016, an event to support mines victims and create scouts’ awareness was held in Zawtar city, Southern Lebanon gathering more than 300 persons from mine victim families and scouts in the area to stand against the use of mines and cluster bombs. This intention has been supported by the release of balloons holding the golden awareness rule, wall paintings and handicrafts made by mine victims. The event is held under the direct supervision of LMAC and Al Jarha Association, Mahdi Scouts Association and the Islamic Health Association.

Awareness day in Tyre, Southern Lebanon

On the 9th of April 2016, a mine awareness day was conducted in Tyre, Southern Lebanon. During this day, a virtual minefield was designed by UNIFIL demonstrating important steps in the demining process and different techniques used for this procedure, photo exhibition about the threats of mines in addition to distributing informative brochures and displaying banners to enhance the strength of the message. More than 1200 persons participated in the event.

Football Game Event

On the 15th of April 2016, a football game was organized at Al- Khiam, South of Lebanon between mine survivors and teams from the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFEL). While raising the silent voices of victims and showcasing the repercussions of injuries, this game promoted a positive dimension; networking and sharing of experiences, enabling victims to feel an active part of the community. The workshop included displaying of virtual minefields and mines and cluster bombs exhibition done by UNIFIl under the direct supervision of LMAC. More than 150 persons attended the event.

Awareness Campaigns at Educational Institutions

Within the National MRE Campaign, MRE lectures were delivered at 26 schools and 25 universities to 2,514 participants by the LMAC and the Engineering Regiment (ER). Set of mines/ ERW safety briefings have been delivered by the LMAC officers, aiming at introducing a mine safe behavior among students and their instructors.

Major Year-Round MRE Activities

LMAC participation in Fun run Marathon on November 13th 2016

Furthermore, on the 13th of November 2016, LMAC participated in the International Beirut Marathon held in Hamra Lebanon gathering more than 45,000 participants from different Lebanese areas who expressed a genuine interaction with the message being delivered. The event was sponsored by BLOM bank and witnessed an impressive presence of large number of international and national NGOs. LMAC performed numerous activities during this event, including displaying of informative posters and banners, samples of mines and cluster bombs, distributing of brochures and T shirts holding the golden awareness rule and providing several briefing to increase the impact of the message.

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