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MRE lecture

The Lebanon Mine Action Center, in coordination with the Lebanon Mountain Trail Association (LMTA) and the Lebanese Red Cross, organized a meeting on March 15th, 2014 at the Lebanese Army Commandos Regiment conference room. The meeting was attended by the representatives of Lebanese hiking associations and clubs.

On this occasion, the LMTA President thanked the LAF's concern about the Lebanese civilians' security and emphasized on the need to limit hiking activities to the safe Lebanon Mountain Trail (LMT) that was cleared and marked by the LAF.

For his part, the LMAC Director expressed his deep appreciation to the LMTA initiative that is disseminating mine risk awareness among people, stressing on the necessity to deal effectively with this serious threat. He concluded by thanking the attendees and the organizers of the event.

The speeches were followed by three lectures. The LMAC highlighted the mine problem in Lebanon and presented an overview of the center's achievements throughout the years as well as its role in efficiently addressing the mine problem.

During the second lecture, the LMAC exposed to the audience several types and shapes of mines as well as different mine warning signs. This lecture shed light on all security cautions, safe behaviors and misbeliefs and the mechanism to report any suspected objects or mine injuries.

The Lebanese Red Cross representative went through the process of first aid provisions for mine injured people in addition to Casevac exercises.

At the end of the meeting, attendees exchanged tokens of appreciation and were invited to a cocktail party.

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