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2013 National MRE Campaign

On the occasion of the International day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, the LMAC launched a national MRE campaign (4-12 April 2013) under the auspices of the Speaker of the House and in cooperation with the National Steering Committee on MRE. The campaign included the following activities:

-Holding the opening ceremony at the Parliament, in which a documentary about mines/ERW threat and risk education was screened. The ceremony was followed by an exhibition and a cocktail party.

-Handing out about 25000 leaflets and posters on mine risk education to citizens at the Lebanese Army checkpoints.

-Sending text messages to civilians : Be aware of mines and cluster bombs. Don’t touch, just report.

-Raising awareness on local televisions and radios.

-Delivering Mine Risk Education lectures at universities and schools.

-Organizing a football game for all mines/ERW survivors on April 12th, 2013 at Al-Hadath Stadium.

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