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MASG Meeting

The Mine Action Support Group (MASG) meeting was held on October 18th, 2013 in New York to share the latest mine action updates.

During the meeting, Brigadier G. Odeimi, Director of the LMAC, delivered a speech in which he expressed his deep gratitude and appreciation to the donors especially to the European Union (EU), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (WRA) and the United Nations Mine Action Services (UNMAS). He presented then an overview of the Lebanon Mine Action Center and highlighted the obligations hoping to secure additional funds and support.

General Odeimi said: “it is impossible for Lebanon to meet its commitment towards freeing Lebanon of cluster munitions by 2016 without additional funding to make up for the shortages in the number of allocated clearance teams.”

At the end of his word, G. Odeimi hoped that this meeting would lead to an increase of funds in order to give the Lebanese People a chance to a safe life and fulfill the obligations and assistance to other affected countries.