
IM department

The aim of the IM Department is to manage the information technology and maintain the database of the National Demining Program at LMAC.


When the Council of Ministers created the national mine action programme in 1998, it mandated to create a database. The LMAC information management (IM) section is responsible for the management of mine action data.

Initially, it used a local database to store mine action data but in December 2001, LMAC adopted the international system, IMSMA, first using version 2.2, until July 2003 when LMAC upgraded to version 3.0. In 2010, LMAC initiated the upgrade to the new generation of the IMSMA to enhance the availability of information for clearance related development planning, in cooperation with Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD). This was completed in 2011 and was fully operational in 2012. Lebanon has been a leader in transferring from IMSMA Legacy to the IMSMA New Generation (IMSMANG). Being among the first to utilize the new system, it is constantly being referred to by GICHD to provide feedback on the system updates.

The IM section at LMAC is currently working towards the Arabization of the IMSMANG application. In this context, an Arabic Outreach Workshop was organized in Dubai during 2012 in which all mine-affected countries participated and agreed on the need to Arabize the support documents and training targeting the Arab region.

IM Goal

Its main goal is to manage the information technology and maintain the database of the National Demining Program at LMAC. It supports and manages the IT infrastructure at LMAC, analyses and manages mine action data, continuously develops and updates existing policies and Standards Operating Procedures (SOPs), and supports the continuous capacity building of local NGOs implementing mine-related programs in Lebanon in terms of providing training on the use of GIS, IMSMANG, and on ACCESS and NAVICAT.


Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMANG) is the UN-approved standard for information systems supporting humanitarian demining. The intent is to collect standardized mine-related data and manage it in a standardized system using powerful statistical and geographical tools.


It is used to:                   

  • Store and display Field Reports (Locations, Hazardous Area, Hazard reduction, Accident, Victim, MRE, and Quality Management) together with related Supporting Data (Explosive ordnance, organizations, places and country structure).
  • Manage and analyse Data.
  • Assign tasks.
  • Generate Reports and produce Maps.