Visit of the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon (UNSCOL)& Ambassador of the European Union to Southern Lebanon

On 3/5/2017, the United Nations special coordinator for Lebanon Mrs, Sigrid Kaag and the ambassador of the European Union Mrs, Katarina Lacia visited RMAC in Nabatyee on special diplomatic visit. A team from LMAC represented by LMAC`s director, head of MRE and MVA sections at LMAC in addition to two officers from RMAC accompanied Mrs, Kaag and Mrs Lacia in their field visits.


The team started its trip by visiting RMAC where the LMAC`s director general Brig general Ziad Nasr briefed the participants on the scope of mines problem in Lebanon and the main challenges faced by the program. Moreover, this high-level meeting witnessed the participation of the MRE steering committee members as well as international and national demining organizations. After which, the team moved to minefields in Nabatyee and Kafertebnit villages, southern Lebanon and listened to a through explanation on the flow of the demining process in the field and methods used to increase the effectiveness of the clearance operations.