Visit of a delegation from the Department of International Development to Lebanon (DFID)

In the context of visits to the follow-up to the work of demining societies and organizations in Lebanon, Ms. Amy Susan Shepherd, Mr. Matthew Benjamin Benson and Mr. Paul Howard Waller, members from the DFID, visited Lebanon on 6/9/2017, to view the Humanitarian Mine Action Program and the ongoing operations of the demining teams, where the delegation began a visit to a cluster clearance site in Aynata, which is being cleared by the Norwegian People's Aid Association (NPA) and a mine clearance site in Mays al-Jabal, which is being cleared by the Mine Advisory Group (MAG), where he listened to a brief about the operations of the teams. The delegation also saw a mine demolition that had been removed from the minefield in Mays al-Jabal.