Attending a Regional Workshop on AOP

Between the 13th and the 17th of September 2015, one officer from the LMAC and another officer from the Engineering Regiment attended the “Regional Workshop on Ammunitions Management, Survey, and Clearance” in Cairo, Egypt that was organized within the activities of the Arabic-language Outreach Programme (AOP), witnessing participation from all members.

The workshop aimed to enhance the knowledge and capacity of national authorities on safe ammunitions management, survey, and clearance in order to better evaluate proposals/ plans for BAC tasks; update ammunitions management standards, procedures, equipment and practices; enhance operational planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and determine the quality requirements for BAC.

The workshop comprised of lectures, presentations, and included group exercises and a field visit to the Engineers Units Casern of the Egyptian Army where attendees witnessed a display of the means of handling unexploded ordnance.

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