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Nomination of LMAC as the 2015 Peace Person

September 21 marks the United Nations (UN)' International Day of Peace that is celebrated by people all around the world. Lebanon has been celebrating this day for 3 years now since Mr. Nabil Tabet, the owner of "BEE EVENTS & PR", created "la Journée pour la Paix du Liban" during which a Peace Maker is nominated as "Ambassador for Peace" for a year. Mrs. Leila el Solh held this title in 2012, and was followed respectively by Mr. Maxim Chaaya and Ms. May el Khalil.


As for the year 2015, the LMAC was officially nominated to hold this title for the entire year in honor of its truly heroic job that consists of bringing Peace of mind to Lebanon. The LMAC was honored for its continuous efforts towards a mine free Lebanon as well as for its support to the tourism sector by clearing all mines from Lebanon's tourist attractions and archaeological sites (such as the Tannourine Cedars Forest Nature Reserve, the Beirut Central District (BCD), the Belfort Castle, the surroundings of Jeita grotto, etc.).


In this scope, “Bee Events & PR” organized a series of events funded by several parties including BLOM BANK in order to celebrate this special occasion which aims to promote culture and tourism in Lebanon. The events were as follows:

September 8: a press conference was held at Le Gray hotel during which a documentary about the LMAC was screened. The press conference was followed by a cocktail party and a photo exhibition;

October 5: a gala dinner took place at 1ONE Biel during which the LMAC received a commemorative shield as a token of appreciation for all its efforts towards a Peaceful Lebanon.

In addition to the aforementioned events, a "dabke" dance in the Tannourine Cedars Forest Nature Reserve took place in light of this year’s theme which is "music and dance". This activity brings art, culture, and tourism altogether, spotlighting the LMAC's role as a Peace Maker. Moreover, TV interviews were conducted with the LMAC's officers, Mr. Tabet and BLOM BANK representative.

The nomination of the LMAC as the Peace Person of the year 2015 is nothing but a great motivation for the Center and its implementing partners to go forward in their mission of freeing Lebanon from the impact of mines/ERW so that Lebanese people can live in Peace of mind.

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