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Workshop on Mine action and the application of IMAS in Arabic

After the successful two Arabic-language outreach programme (AOP)’s workshops, and based on the 3rd AOP outcomes, the LMAC organized a one-week workshop on "Mine action and the application of International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) in Arabic" from 16 to 20 March, 2015 at the Central Military Club in Beirut, Lebanon. Representatives of the GICHD, the UNDP, the 13 Arab countries (Yemen, Jordan, Algeria, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Palestine, Somalia, Mauritania, Western Sahara, Syria, Chad and Iraq) and Afghanistan as well as Lebanese officers attended the workshop. This UNDP supported workshop was organized in collaboration with the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) and funded by the European Union (EU).



During the opening ceremony, the LMAC Director welcomed and thanked all attendees and expressed the Center's will to share experience and lessons learnt in the humanitarian mine action field.


The focus of the sessions was placed on mine action in general and on the application and inter-relationship of the mine action standards in particular. The sessions spotlighted the current mine action challenges and the roles and responsibilities of national authorities and mine action organizations. Participants reviewed together the requirements of the IMAS and how these requirements can be met at the national level.


The workshop was divided into both theoretical and practical parts, and included presentations on several topics such as land release policy/standards, technical and non-technical survey methods, mapping and reporting, liability and insurances, monitoring, inspection and evaluation, and occupational health and safety practices. The workshop shall lead national authorities to improve the national mine action standards of their country and to plan, manage and implement mine action activities in accordance with IMAS.


At the end of the workshop, attendees received follow-up certificates.

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