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Workshop on Trimble DGPS

The UNDP, with the support of the EU, provided the LMAC with a Trimble DGPS (Differential Global Positioning System) to further enhance the mine action activities, thus reducing the risk of injury from mines/ ERW, including cluster munitions. Accordingly, to facilitate the proper use of the DGPS, a two-day training workshop on "the Use and Maintenance of the Trimble DGPS" was implemented on the 20th and 21st of January 2015. 15 LMAC officers and noncommissioned officers as well as LAF Engineer Regiment officers attended this workshop.


It is worth mentioning that the use of GPS as a mapping tool is a must in any mapping agency. It provides better accuracy and on-the-field access to vital information, such as location of landmines, cluster munitions, marking, etc…The accuracy of a standard commercial GPS ranges between 5 and 15 meters, which is usually acceptable when mapping generic information, navigation parameters, or touristic maps. Nonetheless, this range is far from acceptable when you are entrusted with saving lives. Therefore, the LMAC has adopted the Trimble DGPS, which is the latest technology available in the field that projects high accuracy data collection and mapping. This device reduces the GPS errors from 5 m to 10 cm with an upgrade option that would reduce the error to reach 1 cm using real-time or post-processing data correction, thus improving the mine action performance and saving countless lives. The LMAC can efficiently use this technology in the Surveying (General, Technical and Completion).

{gallery}UNDP capacity building workshop in demining operations{/gallery}