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MVA & MRE Workshop

Under the supervision of the LMAC, the BALAMAND University organized a Mine Victim Assistance (MVA) and Mine Risk Education (MRE) Workshop on November 27th, 2014 at the Central Military Club in Beirut, Lebanon. The Programme Manager at the European Union delegation to Lebanon, the BALAMAND University Director, UNDP officers, and MVA and MRE members attended the workshop.


During the workshop session that was chaired by both the heads of the National Steering Committees on MVA and MRE, the LMAC gave an overview of the EU funded mine risk education and mine victim assistance activities that were undertaken in the course of the past three years, thus highlighting the fund's distribution process among them. In addition, the LMAC discussed with the attendees the report-writing guidelines for the MVA and MRE activities.

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