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AOP workshop on The Environmental Impact of Landmines/Explosive Remnants of War in the Arab world.

A workshop on the environmental impact of landmines/explosive remnants of war (ERW) and mine action in the Arab world took place in Kuwait from 10 to 12 December 2013. It was organised by the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), in partnership with the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research and the Kuwait National Focal Point.

The workshop gathered more than 80 participants from about a dozen Arabic-speaking countries, along with experts from international organizations, donor countries, non-governmental organizations, research centers, militaries and commercial operators to discuss the environmental impact of landmine/ERW contamination and mine clearance operations.

During the workshop, LMAC introduced Lebanon’s plan regarding the removal of mines/ERWs and presented an overview of the environmental impact of the 2006 Israeli enemy aggressions on South Lebanon. All participants welcomed Lebanon's risk assessment methodology to tackle the contamination.

In his lecture, the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development representative expressed its intentions to support the mine affected countries especially in terms of capacity building and training.

In conclusion, the training enhanced the participants’ awareness of the impact of landmines and ERW on the environment and of the measures to be taken to protect the environment during and after mine clearance operations.

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