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IMSMA Workshop

A 6-day (16-21 September 2012) regional Information Management workshop organized by the LMAC and the GICHD Information Management Section in Geneva and with the support of UNDP was held at Al Arez Hotel, Lebanon. Among the participants in the meeting were namely; representatives of the NMAP in Libya, Mauritania, Egypt, Sudan, Jordan and Iraq, and Lebanese officers.

This workshop aimed at gathering experts with programming knowledge in order to build capacity in mine affected countries on the advanced reporting capacity within the IMSMANG software and how to enhance the information management.

At the end of the meeting, a dinner ceremony was held in the presence of Brigadier General Imad Odeimi, Director of the LMAC and representative of the Lebanese Army Commander, in which certificates as well as commemorative shields were distributed among the participants.

{gallery}IMSMA Workshop{/gallery}