The 6th annual conference of the Arab Regional Cooperation Program on Mine Action (ARCP) in Lebanon.

During the period from 17/10/2017 until 19/10/2017, under the supervision of the Lebanese Mine Action Center and supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) funded by the European Union and in collaboration with the GICHD funded by the Arab Support Fund, Arab Regional Mine Action Conference (ARCP) held its sixth annual conference, the Directors of Mine Action Programs in the Arab-speaking countries attended, in addition to the Head and officers of the Center (LMAC), advisers at embassies of the following countries:

Algeria, Sudan, Palestine, Yemen and the First Secretary of the Embassy of Iraq and Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman in Lebanon, First Secretary of the Embassy of the Swiss Union in Lebanon, Military Attachés at the Embassy of Saudi Arabia and the Arab Republic of Egypt Lebanon, representatives of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), representatives of the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), a representative of the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS), representatives of companies involved in mine action that works under the supervision of the Lebanon Mine Action Center, the French technical advisor to the Regional School for Mine Clearance for humanitarian purposes in Lebanon, members of the national steering committees for mine awareness and mine victims and mine action program managers in the following Arabic-speaking countries:Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Algeria, Yemen and Mauritania. The opening of the conference started by speeches of:

Brigadier General Ziad Nasr, director of the Lebanon Mine Action Center, welcomed and thanked the audience for their attendance. He wished to reach agreement on strategic items for the ARCP program and thanked all those who contributed to the success of this conference; he also thanked all the countries and donors that supported Lebanon in addressing the problem of mines in all fields.
Mrs. Elisabeth Gilges, First Secretary of the Embassy of the Swiss Confederation in Lebanon.
Mr. Rhode Guy Marcus of the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD).
Ms. Francesca Varlese is responsible for the programs of the Sustainable Development Section of the EU Delegation in Lebanon.
Ms. Rana Elias of the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), explaining the objectives of the conference.
The sessions of the Conference were followed by the following topics:

An overview of the experiences of organizations in the Middle East, North Africa and the region.
Arab mine action strategy.
Programs of the Regional School for Demining for humanitarian purposes in Lebanon (RSHDL).
General ideas on the context and development of sustainable development objectives.
Strategic Analysis (SWOT).
Mission, vision, values, principles and objectives of the Arab Mine Action Program.
Development of a final strategy for the Arab Mine Action Program 2017-2019.
On the last day, participants visited the Regional School for Demining for Humanitarian Purposes - Hamana and listened to a detailed explanation of the role and functions of the school. The participants then went to the officers' club - Yarzeh for a lunch. After that, Brig. Gen. Nasr presented souvenirs to the delegates. The Iraqi delegation presented memorial gifts to Brigadier General Nasr and to Dr. Habouba Aoun and Ms. Rana Elias in recognition of their efforts.The participating delegations thanked the Lebanon Mine Action Center for the valuable information they had received during the Conference, for the efforts made to ensure the success of the Conference and the achievement of its objectives.