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MRE Training Session for DCA Activists

In order to make sure that all implementing partners wishing to deliver Mine Risk Education (MRE) activities in Lebanon have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct MRE sessions, the LMAC has initiated new comprehensive MRE trainings followed by evaluations, accreditations and QA visits.

In compliance with article 4 of the CCM that stipulates “conducting risk reduction education to ensure awareness among civilians living in or around cluster munition contaminated areas of the risks posed by such remnants”, the LMAC, in collaboration with the UNDP and the Steering committee on MRE, organized a MRE training (from 16 to 23 February 2015) for 4 DCA activists to enhance their skills and knowledge to deliver MRE activities.

Trainees were given comprehensive Mine Risk Education sessions led by the LMAC’s MRE head section and noncommissioned officers along with the representatives of the Balamand University, UNDP, and Risala scout. The sessions covered all aspects of humanitarian mine action and offered an overview of the mine problem in Lebanon and the international conventions pertaining to it. Particular attention was placed on the MRE conceptions, the risk education needs of targeted communities, the communication skills, the composition of safety messages, and the promotion of behavior change and planning of MRE activities. Furthermore, the session included a Geographic Information System (GIS) training as well as an Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMANG) training.

On their last day of training, activists were invited to give a MRE session to make sure they have acquired the skills and knowledge so that they can, in turn, transfer the necessary know-how to the affected communities and consequently prevent them from the danger posed by these dreadful and deadly devices.

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