NMAS 09.13

Minefield Clearance

Edition 2.1 - March 2020     DOWNLOAD


Demining involving the efficient search and clearance of minefields is a core activity in the land release process In Lebanon. Minefield clearance involves the systematic search and clearance or wide areas and is conducted when there is direct evidence confirming the presence of mine hazards in an area. Whereas Non-Technical Survey (NTS) and Technical Survey (TS) are approved approaches to Suspected Hazard Areas (SHAs), area clearance is the approved approach to Confirmed Hazard Areas (CHA). Not all CHA are minefields. Where the anticipated hazards in a CHA do not include mines, the area clearance approaches described in NMAS 09.11 BAC and/or NMAS 09.31 IEDD should be applied. Adopting the definition in IMAS 09.10, land shall only be defined as 'cleared' after systematic search and clearance actions have ensured the removal and/or destruction of all mine and EO hazards from the specified area to the specified depth. The procedures and assets used shall minimize risk to the deminers/searchers and shall ensure the safety of the end-users of the land. The LMAC seeks to promote a culture in which the demining community seeks to achieve safe land release by developing and applying appropriate management procedures, by establishing and continuously improving the skills of managers and deminers, and by ensuring the use of safe, effective and efficient equipment. Although the LMAC is the authority, the LMAC recognizes that the Implementing Agencies (IAs) share our goals, so seeks rational co-operation and only exercises its authority when required. Area clearance can achieved with the assistance of mechanical assets but, with currently available mechanical equipment, the requirement to remove all EO hazards shall always require a manual search and clearance deployment. While the principles explained herein should be applied broadly, this NMAS provides guidelines for the manual demining of minefields.