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Under the close supervision of the LMAC, the Mines Advisory Group (MAG) organized a series of 20 mine risk education plays performed by the "Clown Without Border" team to school students around Lebanon, from 3 to 16 December 2014, in order to convey the mine awareness messages to prevent children from the dangers posed by mines/ERW.

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{gallery}MRE Plays{/gallery}


Under the supervision of the LMAC, and in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and with the support of the EU, the Balamand University organized MRE training sessions to enhance skills and knowledge of national actors to deliver MRE activities to students in 500 official schools throughout Lebanon, from 8 to 16 October 2014.

اِقرأ المزيد...

Under the supervision of the LMAC and in cooperation with the Spirit of Soccer and with the assistance of Laureus "Sport for Good Foundation", the Balamand University organized training sessions to 24 activists from sports clubs and the National MRE Committee on the means of delivering MRE clinics to children through soccer games from May 19th until May 30th, 2014.

اِقرأ المزيد...