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In the context of increasing awareness of mine risk among civil society and within the framework of the Mine Action Strategic Plan of the Lebanon Mine Action Center (LMAC), the Center participated in the implementation of mine risk awareness activities for approximately 750 members (465 male and 285 female) from local and Arab scout organizations in the Scout camp National under the title “Beirut gathering ", where the awareness activities came as follows:

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In the context of raising awareness about the dangers of mines in civil society, LMAC gave an awareness lecture to the scouts of the Lebanese National Scout Association - Mount Lebanon Commission – School of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Apostles - Kindergarten, which organizes its summer camp in Horsh, Bakassine on mines, cluster bombs and unexploded ordnance, their forms and types, and how to prevent and manage their risks.

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National MRE Campaign April 2017

LMAC launched a national Mine Risk Education (MRE) campaign during the whole month of April 2017 in cooperation with the National Steering Committee on MRE and with the support of UNIFIL, the EU, UNICEF and UNMAS. April 2017’s campaign was particularly marked by a range of sporting events and using fun interactive tools promoting safety measures targeting the community and the LMAC’s partners.

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2016 National MRE Campaign

As has become the custom annually, the LMAC, in coordination with the MRE Steering Committee, organized a series of events to commemorate the International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance commonly referred to as the 4th of April. Focusing on sports as a key theme this year.

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