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RSHDL "Train the Trainers" Graduation Ceremony

In preparation for the launch of the Regional School for Humanitarian Demining in Lebanon (RSHDL), the LMAC organized the second "train the trainers" course on humanitarian demining for 15 trainees under the supervision of a French team.

On June 19th, 2014, a graduation ceremony was held to celebrate the end of the session and was attended by the Defence Attaché of the Embassy of France to Lebanon, the LMAC Director as well as Lebanese and French officers.

In his speech, the LMAC Director shed light on the School's role in helping affected countries in the middle-east region to eradicate the threat of mines and ERWs and stressed on the trainees' role in the success of this mission. He also expressed his gratitude to the French Government, the European Union and the UNDP and reiterated the need for their continued support. The LMAC Director congratulated the trainees on their successful completion of the training sessions and the instructors for their tremendous efforts.

At the end of the ceremony, trainees received certificates and commemorative shields were distributed to the French training team members.

The graduation was followed by a cocktail party.


{gallery}RSHDL Train the Trainers Graduation Ceremony{/gallery}