Visit of the Marshall Legacy American Institute's president representative to LMAC

The representative of the president of Marshell Legacy American institute Ms, Elise Becker visited Lebanon on a four-day trip to different locations (from 10 till 13/4/2017). On 10/4/2017, the LMAC`s operation department accompanied her on a visit to Hammana, said Al khatib Casern where she has checked over the situation of mine detection dogs and its effectiveness, and has assessed the need for additional dogs or replacing existing ones.


The team then visited a minefield in Souk Al Gharab, Mount Lebanon area that is currently being cleared by LAF engineering regiments using mine detection dogs where she listened to a short brief on the effectiveness of the demining process using mine detection dogs. On the second day, Ms, Becker visited an artificial limbs center in Jdeideh, Beirut called “CAREFIT” accompanied with the LMAC head of MVA section where she took an overview on the quality of artificial limbs being provided and its synergy with the international standards for artificial limbs provision. On the third day, Ms, Becker visited the national rehabilitation and development center in Bakaata, Chouf Mount Lebanon area with LMAC`s head of MVA section where they sat a meeting with the centers representatives to discuss the progress done in rehabilitating mine victims in Lebanon. On the last day, Ms, Becker visited the LAF engineering regiments in Warwar, Beirut to discuss different means of assisting the operations department at LMAC to increase the effectiveness of the demining process using detection dogs.
