Opening ceremony of the Regional School for humanitarian Demining in Lebanon (RSHDL)

On 2 of March, an opening ceremony of the Regional School for humanitarian Demining in Lebanon and the graduation of students were held at the Said Al-Khatib barrack - Hammana and included the following:


- Speech of Colonel Jihad Al Bechelany, Director of the RSHDL, about the activities of the school and its importance to the countries of the region.

- Speech by the European Union, represented by Julia Koch De Biolley.

- Speech of Brigadier General Ziad Nasr, representative of the General Commander of the Army, in which he thanked everyone for their contribution to the launching of the school and its success.

- Delivering a briefing by Captain Ahmed Lamaa about the work of the school.

- Distribution of certificates in the course of explosives expert (EOD1).

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 At the end of the ceremony, the audience made a tour in the school and attended a cocktail party on the occasion.

