LMAC developed the 2020-2025 Strategy Workshop at the Regional School - Hammana in the presence of Representors from Ministries, Embassies, UN agencies, Operators, Private Sector and Different Organizations and NGOs working in the Mine action field in Lebanon.

LMAC held a presentation in order to introduce the capabilities of “IMSMA Core” and how it can support operations in a better way in the presence of Mr. Olivier Demars, the technical advisor from GICHD and representatives of mine action associations in Lebanon.

A meeting was held at LMAC with the General Operations Manager of DCA to Lebanon, where there had been a discussion regarding future cooperation in mine clearance operations in Lebanon, assistance to mine and Cluster Bombs victims and Mine Risk Education.



A Workshop was held at LMAC with the support of GICHD, where Mr. Robert White and Mr. Jonathan Smith gave presentations on long-term Risk Management and National Strategy for Mine Action in Lebanon.