On the occasion of the International Day of People with Disabilities, LMAC held for three days an exhibition of handicraft works and products for Mines victimsat Beirut City Center, which included a show of army music and a puppet play for MAG Lebanon, in addition to a platform for awareness of mine risks, in cooperation with the National Committee for Victim Assistance and with the support of UNDP and University of Balamand.

Two income generating trainings funded by MLI took place during the first quarter of 2017. One in Bakaata, chouf, Mount Lebanon area at the National Rehabilitation and Development Center premises for a period of ten days (13tt till 23rd of January 2017) tackling the Topic of Beekeeping and gathering 16 mine victims. One another training was held in Azour- Southern Lebanon for a period of 5 days (23rd till 27th of Jan 2017) gathering 8 mine victims and tackling the topic of poultry production.

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Prostheses provision

Since mine victims deserve another chance to regain a proper self-image and emerge as productive members in the society, LMAC often realizes the essence of supporting mine victims to ensure speedy recovery from their injuries and successful new start of their life.

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