
QA\QC department

The Quality Assurance/Quality Control Department at LMAC is responsible of accreditations for the organizations, training and controlling.

1- Accreditations for the Organizations

NMAS standardized quality assurance and quality control according to the IMAS standards. The quality assurance and quality control head section at the LMAC closely supervises that the mine clearances are conducted in accordance with national and international standards.    

The process of accreditation and re-accreditation involves inspecting the organizations (desk assessment, logistics, equipment and machines, Mines Detection Dogs, and metal-detectors etc.). The QAQC Team issues a one year accreditation when organizations are compliant and follows up with regular visits to ensure operations remain satisfactory.

The combined application of quality assurance (before and during the clearance process) with post-clearance quality control guarantees that the beneficiaries of humanitarian demining are confident that released land is safe for their use.

2- Training

Each NGO wishing to undertake demining activities in Lebanon must first complete an approved and supervised internal training program for their teams to be accredited by LMAC. The standard operations procedures (SOP) must be in accordance with the National Mine Actions Standards (NMAS) and approved by the QAQC department at LMAC.

3- Controlling

QAQC and Operation Teams conduct technical inspections on all demining tasks through weekly visits to the clearance sites to ensure that work is compliant with the clearance plan.