Visit of The Ambassador of Colombia to LMAC

In the scope of the international Community interest in the mine action activities in Lebanon, LMAC received a diplomatic visit of the Ambassador of Colombia Mrs Georgina Al Mallat on 25/8 /2017. The brigadier general Ziad Nasr provided a brief on LMAC most recent achievements especially the progress made in equipping the RSHDL and preparing it to start delivering effective trainings in terms of humanitarian demining.


Furthermore, the Brig General Ziad Nasr together with the Ambassador discussed the possibilities for future cooperation between the Lebanese army and the Colombian army in the context of humanitarian demining and exchange of expertise especially that this issue is of great importance to Colombia after the peace process with the FARK Group, in addition to Colombia's need to send Colombian military mandate to pursue demining training courses at the RSHDL.At the end of the meeting, the Ambassador thanked the LMAC director for his cooperation and interest in the mine action activities in Colombia, hoping that the future meetings will lead to practical steps in tackling this problem. In his turn, Brig. Gen. Nasr thanked the Ambassador for her trust in the center’s role in the field of humanitarian demining activities.