Income generation trainings

Two income generating trainings funded by MLI took place during the first quarter of 2017. One in Bakaata, chouf, Mount Lebanon area at the National Rehabilitation and Development Center premises for a period of ten days (13tt till 23rd of January 2017) tackling the Topic of Beekeeping and gathering 16 mine victims. One another training was held in Azour- Southern Lebanon for a period of 5 days (23rd till 27th of Jan 2017) gathering 8 mine victims and tackling the topic of poultry production.

These trainings aimed to assist mine victims to acquire the necessary skills to start up their new businesses and re -integrate them into the society.

Mine victims presented their proposal for income generating programs where the LMAC and the MVA steering committee evaluated them and selected the winners. After these trainings, an event was held at the University of Balamand in the presence of LMAC director and the Head of MVA section, the MVA steering committee and representatives of US embassy. During this event, Grants have been distributed to the course winners.

Another income generating training workshop funded by EU was held in Bakaata, Chouf , Mount Lebanon area at the national rehabilitation and development center premises under the direct supervision of LMAC and active participation of MVA steering committee for a period of 3 days (3rd till 5th of February 2017). The training tackled the topic of poultry production gathering 12 mine victims who submitted their proposals with a great hope to start their own business. After the training, 3 mine victims have been selected as winners and provided with grants to start their own business.