NMAS 05.11

Guide for the Use of Communications Networks

Edition 2.1 - March 2020     DOWNLOAD


The need for standards that guide the operations of effective and efficient communications systems during Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) is indisputable. Efficient command and control of mine action interventions, particularly survey and demining operations requires reliable systems of communication. The absence of at least one functional system would present a significant risk to staff and potentially to the general public because the safety of working procedures would be severely impacted. The LMAC is the authority responsible for ensuring that everything reasonable is done to ensure safety and efficiency in mine action in Lebanon. To this end, the LMAC is also responsible for establishing the minimum requirements for communications in support of mine action and for ensuring that IAs comply with these requirements. The purpose of this NMAS is to ensure that standards for the use of communications equipment are clear and uniform for all IAs conducting humanitarian demining activities in Lebanon.