NMAS 13.10

Mine Victim Assistance

Edition 2.1 - March 2020     DOWNLOAD


Mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW) (also known as Explosive Ordnance, EO) threaten the lives and livelihoods of innocent citizens in Lebanon, inflicting horrific and indiscriminate injury on victims that in many cases result in severe disabilities and death. Victim Assistance is an integral part of Lebanon’s mine action strategy. The aim of Victim Assistance (VA) is to bring about positive and sustainable improvements in the daily lives of citizens and communities that have been directly or indirectly harmed by the presence of mines or ERW. The term ‘victim’ has been traditionally used to describe those affected, but ‘survivor’ may be used if preferred. The expression ‘Mine Victim Assistance’ is often used, and in this context that includes of victims of ERW other than mines. VA in Lebanon is undertaken on the basis of a three-tiered approach, founded on the IMAS definition of a ‘victim’ as any person who has been negatively affected (physically, psychologically or economically) by the presence of mines/ERW. The term ‘victim’ is not limited to the person directly suffering injury or death: it includes directly affected individuals and their families, as well as affected communities. This definition also complies with that provided in the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM). People injured by mines or ERW need immediate, and sometimes intensive, medical assistance, often followed by lengthy physical and psychological rehabilitation and measures to ensure socio-economic reintegration. Assistance also involves supporting measures to protect mine/ERW survivors with appropriate laws and with policies against discrimination. A number of governmental decrees have ensured that in most cases, mine/ERW victims are provided with free-of-charge emergency care services and medical treatment but more work is needed to cement victims’ rights in the broader context of their injuries (e.g. economic and social reintegration, and long-term physical rehabilitation). To help reduce the impact of injury on victims/survivors of mines/ERW, and as described in the National Mine Action Policy 2007, the Lebanon Mine Action Center (LMAC) is required to design and implement, directly or indirectly, comprehensive and extensive victim assistance interventions and support initiatives based on the standards and guidelines set out in this document. The LMAC has the responsibility to manage, coordinate, prioritize, monitor, evaluate, and follow-up all activities implemented nationally within the framework of Victim Assistance in mine action. The implementation of such activities is managed and coordinated with and through the Mine Victim Assistance Steering Committee. The LMAC and its partners are required to be active in the support of efforts to reduce any discrimination or stigmatization that victims of mines/ERW may experience in Lebanon.