In the scope of assessing the work of demining organizations in Lebanon, LMAC received the visit of a team from the Mine Advisory Group in London represented by Ms, Maria Crespo and Mr, Mohammad Abdullah for a period of 3 days ( 10 till 13 July 2017). A team from the operations department at RMAC accompanied the team during this visit that started by visiting the MAG central office in Lebanon.


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On 3/5/2017, the United Nations special coordinator for Lebanon Mrs, Sigrid Kaag and the ambassador of the European Union Mrs, Katarina Lacia visited RMAC in Nabatyee on special diplomatic visit. A team from LMAC represented by LMAC`s director, head of MRE and MVA sections at LMAC in addition to two officers from RMAC accompanied Mrs, Kaag and Mrs Lacia in their field visits.

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As part of the capacity building process, in line with the 2011-2020 Strategy and in accordance with the National (NMAS) and International Mine Action Standards (IMAS), the LMAC organized two training sessions on the use of the IMSMA NEW GENERATION Version 6 (IMSMANG V.6) that was recently developed by the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD). The first session was held at the LMAC from 27 to 29 April 2015 whereas the second session took place at the RMAC-N from 4 to 8 May 2015. LMAC staff and officers, LAF engineering officers and UNDP staff attended the sessions, and received training from the Mine Action Advisor.

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