In January, Brigadier General Ziad Nasr, Director of LMAC, welcomed the visitor, Ms. Julie Boutros, and gave her a brief about the Lebanon Mine Action Program and the Center. Afterwards, they discussed the cooperation between the LMAC and the British Broadcasting Corporation in the field of media.


As part of the ongoing efforts to support demining operations in Lebanon, H.E. Ambassador of Norway Mrs. Lene Lind organized a workshop at the level of experts and supporting countries to support Lebanon in the implementation of its obligations under the Cluster Munitions Convention, on 17/1/2018 at the Four Seasons Hotel Beirut, Ambassador of Norway and the Director of the Lebanon Mine Action Center, Ambassadors and political and military attachés from donor countries and donors, representatives of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the European Union and the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) Humanitarian mine targets in Lebanon, organizations and associations working in the field of mine clearance under the supervision of the GICHD center, where Mr. Mikael Bold managed the workshop, activities, which included the following:

  • Opening speech of the workshop by the Ambassador or Norway in which she thanked the audience for inviting them and stressed on the importance of humanitarian work in saving lives and stressed on their commitment to support the LMAC.
  • Speech of the Director of LMAC Br. General Ziad Nasr: He thanked the Ambassador of Norway for their interest in the workshop; also he thanked the donor parties for their support to the LMAC. He encouraged the attendees to provide more support to reach the target as per the strategic plan.
  • Discussions took place between all ambassadors, political and military attachés, EU representative, UNDP representative and they focused on encouraging Lebanon to join Ottawa Convention and focused on their support to Lebanon.
  • Many presentations were held by the LMAC Officers about the ongoing activities taking into consideration the update of NMAS regarding the cost of clearance, review process, time line, conclusions and recommendations. In addition to develop a plan concerning capacity building to LMAC.
  • Many presentations took place by the mine action organizations’ representatives (MAG-HI-NPA-DCA-LAMINDA) about implemented activities and current/future operations.

At the end of conference, Mr. Bold said that he is going to prepare a draft concerning recommendations and results and it will be discussed with the assistants of ambassador of Norway and LMAC.

The Ambassador of Norway showed appreciation about their participation in this conference insisting on the importance for Lebanon to join Ottawa Convention and she thanked Br. General Nasr for his efforts.


On 28 December 2017, the Lebanese Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health Mr. Ghassan Hasbani visited the Lebanon Mine Action Center and expressed his appreciation and support to the Center. The minister was welcomed by the Director of LMAC and head of sections who briefed Mr. Hasbani about the strategic plans, current activities and in particular the needs of the mine victims focusing on the urgency to implement the 220/2000 law and enhance services provided to all the disabled including mine victims.

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