On 20/6/2017, LMAC received a visit from the German Company for the provision of prosthetic limbs for mine victims where the LMAC director discussed the possibilities of future cooperation between LMAC and this company as LMAC is highly concerned in delivering the optimal assistance to mine victims and lessen the impact of their injuries.

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On 16/3/2017, a French military attaché represented by the Colonel Christian Herrou with his assistance the Colonel Lucchini visited the LMAC as a part of a visit to regional school for humanitarian demining in Hammana, Mount Lebanon. The team was briefed by the Brig General Ziad Nasr, the director of LMAC on the progress of the rehabilitation works in the school.

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Visit of a team from the International Trust Fund to enhance humanitarian safety (ITF) to Said Khatib Casern and Benyee Village, Mount Lebanon. The purpose of this visit was to assess the Lebanon Mine actions centers needs in terms of detection dogs and to express their real desire in securing the necessary funding to improve the humanitarian demining process in Lebanon.