Between the 13th and the 17th of September 2015, one officer from the LMAC and another officer from the Engineering Regiment attended the “Regional Workshop on Ammunitions Management, Survey, and Clearance” in Cairo, Egypt that was organized within the activities of the Arabic-language Outreach Programme (AOP), witnessing participation from all members.

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September 21 marks the United Nations (UN)' International Day of Peace that is celebrated by people all around the world. Lebanon has been celebrating this day for 3 years now since Mr. Nabil Tabet, the owner of "BEE EVENTS & PR", created "la Journée pour la Paix du Liban" during which a Peace Maker is nominated as "Ambassador for Peace" for a year. Mrs. Leila el Solh held this title in 2012, and was followed respectively by Mr. Maxim Chaaya and Ms. May el Khalil.

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Keeping abreast of the latest developments in mine action, particularly in the cluster munitions field, a Lebanese delegation headed by the representative of the Prime Minister of Lebanon along with the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, the LMAC Director and an officer from the Center attended the First Review Conference of the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) that took place in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from 7 to 11 September 2015.

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